
Web design: Tips for a successful Shopware appearance

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What does the web design agency recommend for a successful Shopware appearance?

We, as a web design agency for Shopware, believe that the design is the most important part of any website, especially when talking about an online shop. At the bottom of the successful appearance lies the factor of motivating the visitor to buy. To achieve this feature in Shopware, we suggest to first understanding what the visitor is attracted to your website.

Nowadays, a large percentage of sales is made over the Internet and this number is growing year by year, which is why the competition among online shop owners is rapidly increasing. Therefore, now web design agencies strive to extend Shopware designs with efficient marketing tricks.

What do web design agencies need to provide for stores to make their online presence more successful?

The web design agencies clearly understand that a significant percentage of successfully made sales is not always achieved by the quality of the particular product, but by how this product is presented in the store. Unless you were to arrange the product in the well-lit window of your store. In this way you make the product more eye-catching and draw on it the attention of your buyers. From the standpoint of psychology, users are more comfortable making purchases if certain conditions are created for this purpose.

Tips for Shopware Web Design Creating with high purchase motivation

We have compiled the following tips for you on the topic of “Shopware web design creation” to increase the purchase motivation of website visitors:

Tip 1. Originality and versatility

At first glance, this task is a bit generalized, but still pretty well specified. Since an online store encompasses many target groups at the same time, you need to have an understanding of how to combine corporate identity and versatility.

A unique corporate identity is required so that the website design is not only stylish, but also memorable and recognizable. When developing corporate identity, one must still be mindful that potential buyers may belong to different ages, tastes, and belief groups.

Tip 2. AIDA

Suppose you have already created the concept of a successful web design and now you want to develop your own unique Shopware web design. Of course, the uniqueness of the web design is a big plus, but experienced sales analysts and marketers know unique formulas, the efficiency of which brings millions of euros in sales.

One of these marketing formulas is called AIDA and stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

This formula is based on the possible sequence of events that can happen to the user when he interacts with the content of an online store. AIDA can then be used for the entire website as well as for the individual pages.

If the AIDA accents are properly defined in the store, a potential buyer will then place his order in just four steps.

Tip 3. Color Effects in web design

The color effect in Shopware web design development should be quite impressive on the one hand, and appealing enough on the other hand to make visitors buy. How could one achieve this characteristic? Here you would have to remember the purpose of the online store first. This lies in selling goods. But without products, the store loses its purpose. Therefore, make sure that the design does not distract buyers from the product. It is best to put products in the foreground (but not the unique web design).

If you want to create a really high-quality and stylish web design for your Shopware store, use no more than three shades for the color scheme. The color palette will be much more extensive after you fill the website with product images and advertising banners.

Shopware web design costs

The cost of web design is defined by the amount of work to be done. Namely, it is important to understand which and how many pages of the Shopware store would need to be designed.

As a rule, the following pages are created:

  • Home page
  • Product overview page
  • Product details page

For larger orders, the following pages are added:

  • Checkout area
  • My account
  • Blog
  • Wish List
  • Comparison list
  • etc.

Most of the costs are always related to the creation of the home page. However, the internal pages have fixed costs (nevertheless, they can be varied if the page needs to be extended with additional options and each option needs to be designated).

As a Shopware web design expert WebiProg is at your disposal. Contact us now!


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