
Optimizing and writing SEO texts

Shopware SEO Optimierung

Optimization of website texts for search queries according to SEO standards is an essential part of the process of advertising a web resource in search engines.


Text optimization

1 What is text optimization?

2 How do I write an SEO text?

3 Text ranking factors

3.1 Uniqueness (originality)

3.2 Relevance and informativeness

3.3 Volume (number of characters)

3.4 Layout and formatting

3.5 Alphabetization of the text

4 Mistakes in writing SEO texts

5 Conclusions

What is SEO text optimization?

SEO text optimization is the process of targeting the text ranking factors of web pages.

When creating a Shopware store, the quality of the web page content can be a deciding factor in the ranking of a web page: the better the text is optimized, the higher the relevance of the page in the eyes of both search engines and actual users.

How do I write SEO text?

The process of writing content for a website can be divided into two phases when creating a Shopware theme:

1. Creating text.
This involves creating a unique and readable set of words. If the text already exists, you can directly start with the second step.

2. Text optimization
Refers to the alignment of the text with the requirements of SEO optimization.

Rules for writing SEO texts

When writing text content for a website, you should always keep in mind the actual purpose of the website:

An SEO-optimized text is needed to promote the website it is placed on in search engines.

For a website like Shopware Configurator to rank higher than other websites, the website must be of higher quality, and in most cases this is influenced by the quality of the search engine optimization of the text content.

Now consider factors that determine the quality of an SEO text in the eyes of search engines:

Uniqueness (originality)

When writing a text for the Shopware store, you should first remember how important its uniqueness is: search engines will not rate plagiarism very highly. Also, remember that copied content can cause problems with its creator for copyright reasons.

It’s not necessary to create a 100% unique text (in some cases it’s not even possible), but it’s worth striving for it.

Read more about the importance of text uniqueness for SEO optimization.

Relevance and informativeness

The relevance of a text means that it corresponds to certain search queries of the users. To write the most relevant SEO text possible, the search queries for which it should be optimized should be collected in advance, studied and then carefully implemented.

During optimization, the purpose for highlighting websites and pages in general should not be forgotten:

Web pages are primarily created and promoted for real users who click through to them from search engines.

Search engine algorithms are constantly improving, but only real users, for whom the SEO texts are written, can objectively evaluate the information content:

A web page may be relevant from a search engine’s point of view, but a user will not stay long on the site if he does not get an answer to his query.

The factor of text relevance is particularly important: if too many keywords from the search queries are included, the Shopware SEO text will be considered over-optimized in the eyes of search engines, which can have a negative impact not only on the ranking of the website, but also on the website as a whole.

Volume (number of characters)

The number of characters in the text should depend on the query or queries for which it is to be optimized:

An SEO text should provide the largest possible answer to relevant user search queries.

That is, if 500 characters are enough to answer a search query, you should not “inflate” the text unnecessarily.

Structure, layout and formatting

The layout and structure of text on a web page affect how well they are perceived by real users, which in turn affects behavioral factors.

Proper use of semantic HTML tags, CSS style rules, and optimized text structure ensure that content is presented in the best possible way.

Literacy and compliance with language standards

Adherence to language standards is an important indicator of the quality of a text, both in the eyes of users and those of search engines:

A large number of spelling and punctuation errors in SEO texts can negatively affect behavioral factors and the ranking of a website.

To avoid such problems, before publishing the text on your website using Shopware interfaces, it is enough to check it using appropriate tools (including Microsoft Word as well as a number of web services).

Mistakes when writing SEO texts

Among the most common mistakes made by copywriters are:

Disregard for uniqueness.

When creating Shopware store, as mentioned earlier, the text should be as unique as possible.

Low informativeness

Also, it has already been mentioned that the text should be relevant, readable and contain only a minimum of “useless” in the eyes of actual users.

Missing key words

A web page may respond to a user query, but if it does not contain the key words from that query, it may not appear in search engine results at all.

For example, if the text is optimized for the topic “sitemap file” but does not contain the keyword “sitemap” (a synonym for the query “sitemap file”), the search algorithm may consider the text to be irrelevant to the query “sitemap”, even though it can provide a detailed answer to this search.

A clear excess of keywords

In the early days of search engines, this kind of optimization worked well, but today it’s a case of “too much of a good thing”: keyword stuffing is not only perceived negatively by search engines, but also negatively affects how actual users perceive the content.

Misuse of keyword highlighting

Highlighting keywords and phrases using bold or italics may have resulted in better rankings in the past, but now explicitly highlighting keywords in this way is a text optimization mistake: it looks too “pretentious” to users and over-optimized to search engine automation.

Only highlight keywords and phrases in your Shopware product configurator if this is necessary to attract the attention of actual users.

It is believed that search engines react negatively to excessive emphasis using and tags, but in reality you should not overuse all highlighting methods:

  • and tags <strong> und <em>
  • and tags <b> – und <i>
  • CSS properties font-weight, font-style, font-size, color, etc.

Neglect of headlines

Headlines and subheadings should be introduced and designed according to the rules of semantic layout, depending on the structure and length of the text.

Neglecting HTML formatting

During Shopware plugin development, care should be taken that the product text should be divided into structural units (paragraphs, paragraphs, etc.) in a logical sequence: a fixed (“monolithic”) text is not suitable for the format of web pages.

If necessary, the Shopware SEO text should be transformed into paragraphs, lists, tables and other elements to make it easier for users to understand.

Neglect of CSS design

Internet users do not read, but browse the content of web pages.

Care should be taken to highlight HTML tags and CSS properties in Shopware Plugin Development to give your text a unique look and make it easier to read.

Neglecting alphabetization

As described before, Shopware web design should avoid errors in the text, as they are not welcomed by search engines or real users.


The text that is on the Shopware Configurator website:

  • must be optimized according to the requirements,
  • should be written primarily for real users,
  • should contain keywords from search queries to ensure relevance,
  • should not be over-optimized to avoid being penalized by search engines.

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